

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Heard from our courier

Our courier in Chicago submitted our document to the Chinese Consulate for authentication, today.  We are on course to have it back in our hands a week from tomorrow.  I hope to turn it around and FedEx our dossier to our adoption agency that same day, depending on what time it gets here.

I feel so desperate to be done with this part of our journey!  I know there is a lot more to come and I’m looking forward to certain parts of it (not necessarily the heart-wrenching parts).  Again, I find myself soaking up any information I can find about adopting from China, special needs, attachment, etc.

I am thrilled God is taking us on this journey!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! You're so close! We sent our dossier to our agency last Thursday, and expect it to start its trek to China this Friday! Yours will be close behind!