

Monday, May 12, 2014

Still waiting

Our social worker contacted me with a couple of questions to clarify a small detail in our home study at the end of last week.  That's the last we've heard from her.  She said it was her supervisor who wanted the clarification, so I'm not sure if she will notify our adoption agency of the slight change/addition to the home study or what.  I am *hoping* we hear back from them by the end of this week, but it could be more like the beginning of next week.  ::twiddling thumbs::  I am soooo eager to move on to the next phase of waiting- the I-800A application!  I have it all filled out, printed, in a FedEx envelope, and the Airbill filled out.  Can we say eager?!  The only things we will need to add to that FedEx package are the home study itself, signatures to everything, and a big ol' check!  Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself!  We need approval from the state of IL before we can submit our I-800A!

I took some time working on our dossier pictures, today.  I was going to go ahead and order them printed into 4x6's but then had so many options on the website I am using.  They can remove glare from glasses and various other things.  There are also 3 different printing options.  If these were just everyday pictures, I wouldn't worry about any of that.  But these are the only pictures the Chinese government is going to have of us.  First impressions and all...  So I ordered a couple pics done a couple different ways to see if there is a noticeable difference (worth the price?).  I am always eager to compare the quality of photo printing between different companies anyway.

I'll post as soon as we hear something from our social worker and/or adoption agency!

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