

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

No news

We have not received any referrals as of yet.  I will be sure to let you know when we do!  I am pretty jumpy anytime the phone rings.  I keep telling myself that it could be months before we hear anything, but my heart is not listening to my brain! :P

For those who are curious, our “spot in line” with our adoption agency is based on the date we submitted our medical needs checklist, which was 1/26/14.  This checklist, much like it sounds, is a list of medical needs they tend to see in the children’s files.  I researched the needs on this list for several months before we filled out our application to adopt.  Many say the checklist feels “brutal” and I would have to agree.  It doesn’t feel right to check some needs and not others, but it is important that we be honest with what we feel our family can manage.  Our adoption agency will use this list to help guide them in their search for a child for us.  Of course, our number one guide in all of this is God. :)

The kids started back to school this week.  Caetlyn is in 8th grade, Rebecca is in 3rd grade and Nathan started kindergarten!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Our wait will probably be longer, since we're requesting a girl, but still, if I get a call from an unknown number, my heart skips a beat!

And, I think you read what I wrote about the special needs request, so you already know how I feel about it, but we found it pretty grueling, too. So hard to think about how every box you don't check is leaving actual children in an orphanage somewhere. But, yes, we can trust in God's sovereignty over the process!! Thankful for that.