

Friday, March 21, 2014

Added some pictures

I got our picture disc, yesterday!  I have added a few pics to the blog, now.  I may share a few more when I have time.  I think we just need 1-2 more "family life" photos and we'll be set for our dossier.  It feels really good to get that done!

We now have access to the online parent training classes we need to finish up our pre-adoption education.  I think I will start on that, today.  I am actually looking forward to this.

I got antsy eager again, yesterday, so I filled out the authentication request.  After getting some advice from other BTDT adoptive families, I have decided to send all of our documents for state certification and Chinese authentication once we have our completed/approved Home Study.  It will give me something to obsess about do while awaiting our I-800A approval.  Plus, if we have any issues with that part, we can hopefully take care of it without causing a delay.  I think I will be able to relax a wee bit once I have the largest chunk of documents fully ready for our dossier.  After our I-800A gets approved, we will send it for state certification and Chinese authentication by itself.


Maureen said...

Libbe, I am so excited you are blogging! I can't wait to follow your journey. So exciting!! Looks like you are moving right along with the paperwork part of things. Good luck. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything:)

Libbe said...

Thanks, Maureen! You get the "first to comment on my blog" award! :)