

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Kevin told his family

Kevin's dad actually called while we were in our pre-adoption class, Tuesday night!  Doh!  He called him back afterward and shared the news.  I asked Kevin about his dad's reaction but couldn't get much info out of him.  "He was happy," was about it.

The class was nice.  There are 6 couples (all doing international adoption) and I figured out that I had gone to college with 1 of the women.  That was funny.  I'm looking forward to our second class, tomorrow night.

I took the girls for their physicals, today.  Everything went fine!  Nathan's is on Friday and then I can check those off the to-do list.

Guess what arrived in the mail, yesterday?!  My passport!  It only took 16 days from the day I applied until I had my passport in my hot, little hands!  Kevin's renewal hasn't arrived, yet.

One of our personal references told me she mailed her letter to our social worker, this morning.  So excited about that!  I am so grateful for her speedy work on this!

I just want to hurry everything up!  ::deep breath::

Oh!  I spoke on the phone with an International Adoption Clinic that is 2-3 hours from here.  They can review the file on a referral, advise us on travel vaccines and meds to take with, and, of course, do a complete evaluation on our adoptive child once we are home.  I need to share this info with Kevin so we can talk about it and decide whether or not to use any of these services.  They all come at a price but may be worth it.

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